Two young women enjoying coffee at a table

Blessed Brunch

Blessed Brunches are for Catholic women seeking real-life community. You can either host a brunch or attend a brunch no matter your vocation, age, or state in life. These brunches are the perfect opportunity to meet like-minded women over a good meal. 


The Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is for men seeking to live out their faith in their home and work life. It is an excellent opportunity to serve your parish and the...

JESUS aCROSS the Border

JESUS aCROSS the Border unifies Catholic young adult groups by providing events and resources for young Catholics seeking community. They encourage networking among different young adult groups and promote the...

The March For Life

Join thousands of Pro-Life Americans as you march and pray for an end to abortion in the nation. The March for Life is an annual gathering in Washington D.C. where...